3F Advisors



Social Impact organizations

Our advisory services help non- profit organizations, social businesses and philanthropic donors to become more impactful through program design, strategy, evaluation, research, knowledge management & learning, due diligence and monitoring. Our partners value our deep domain expertise and on the ground experience across the sectors of inclusive digital finance, agriculture, micro and small business development, women’s economic empowerment, and gender and inclusion. Our analytical approach and eye for detail helps our partners stretch the limited resources to maximize impact through efficiency gains and appropriate resource allocation.

Government and para-statal agencies

We facilitate cross-sector collaboration for convergence with government programs;, document and disseminate success stories, learnings and best practices;, and curate, host and facilitate in-person and virtual consultations, and convenings.

Community-based organizations, Farmer’s organizations

Our true calling lies in with the community. We facilitate appropriate governance framework for community-based organizations, conduct member needs assessment, assess and build organizational capacity, prepare business plans, curate and organize learning tours to other successful models. We also assist in accessing inputs, capital, technology connecting to markets for post-harvest processing, organizing logistics and connecting to markets.  

Financial Institutions

We bring deep expertise in using a human centred design for product development and conducting customer research, which can improve client outreach and portfolio quality. We can help institutionalise inclusive and innovative processes in your systems, policy and delivery towards inclusive and viable business model. We offer you our robust network of policy influencers, donors, technology partners, financial institutions and experts for connection, potential collaboration and consultation.

Corporate sector and Corporate CSR

Rely on us in designing your program/ investment strategy, conduct due diligence of prospective partners, program monitoring, reporting and evaluation. We can also work with your grantees on program design, convergence and partnerships etc. We also conduct partner capacity assessment and design capacity development interventions.