3F Advisors



Program Design & Strategy

‘A beautiful home needs a good design and strong foundations’.
‘Deep foundation and intelligent design build a solid infrastructure’

With decades of experience in designing programs and strategies across leading social impact organizations, the 3F Advisors team can assist you design your next program.

Our program design advisory ensures that while we assist with the design, it is owned by you. Our inputs will often be in the form of questions to stimulate thinking and reflection, instead of recommendations.

Our program design inputs will ensure that

Research, Evaluation and Learning

In a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world, what worked yesterday, will not work tomorrow. We need to constantly evaluate and see, what is working and what is not working, and adapt the program strategy accordingly.

We acknowledge with humility that we may not know everything. But we are curious to learn. We dive deep to uncover hidden pearls of wisdom. We let data speak, so that our own preferences and biases do not cloud our vision.

Organizational appraisal / due diligence

Having a deep understanding of your partners, their capacity, governance, management systems, human resources, internal controls, risk management, financial management and leadership capacity will help you decide, if your partner is fully equipped to translate your vision into action. More than a yes/ no decision, it is about having a realistic assessment of what they can do, and where they need support.